Diamonds are every woman’s best friend. So, you need to do a bit of hard work to search for
your best friend. It is really good practice to inquire about the quality of the stone that you
are going to purchase sooner rather than later. We tend to trust the things that come with
certificate, it makes them more genuine. If you really want a good quality diamond then you
must avoid buying all those unreliable jewels which don’t have any certification either from
GIA or EGL Certified Stones
Now the question that is going to arise now is what is this GIA or EGL certification? So let us
first introduce you to these organisations.
GIA: Gemmological Institute of America
EGL: European Geological Laboratory
These institutions analyse, classify & certify gems. They are famous for their certification on
diamonds. These certifications help people in identifying the diamonds quality.
Both institutions give ratings on the attributes like, colour, carat weight, cut & clarity of the
stone. Hence, these 4Cs determine the value of the diamond. The grading of diamond is not
as easy as it looks. The stones undergo strict analysis various times by various experts in
order to deliver the most accurate classification and certification.
The certification starts with the test of clarity. It is usually determined by the size of the gem
and cut. Other things which are determined by certification is the diamond treatments. It
may undergo treatments like Fracture filling or LASER drilling.
Colour determination is a bit tricky. The whole environment is controlled so that the
background and all the light sources don’t affect the decision of all the evaluators. A general
feedback gives the stone its colour. Carat weight is determined by weighing the cut stones.
The judgment of cut is done simply by observing the actual cut or by how the face is
generating the brilliance. This is used for round stones. Hence, it lies in the classification
somewhere between D & Z. After this process, the certified stones get their registry number
engraved upon them as per the wish of the owner.
Why to Purchase Certified Ones as Opposed to Uncertified Ones?
Every diamond is beautiful and unique. But the reason all these certified diamonds are
costly is because they are best in their class and hence certified by a panel of specialists. The
certified diamond has to pass through the toughest paths of either GIA or EGL. After passing
this difficult examination, they come out to be the best. The certified diamonds are given
certificates of their own which mention their class and quality. Now why you always go for
the certified diamonds because you should not accept below par diamonds if you spending
a good amount of money.
Now-a- days, diamonds are lab grown also, so they might try and trick you into buying a false
one and the thing is these are sold at the price of real ones. The certification hence helps
you to determine the truth and hence you get the real one. It also helps to protect yourself
by only purchasing from reliable and reputable diamond dealers and wholesalers, like
GoldeNet Australia.