The cost of a diamond is evaluated by assessing its colour, cut, carat weight, and clarity
level. These are four characteristics that are normally considered to as the 4 C's. With such a
broad array of mixture possibilities, it is not astonishing that its price could fluctuate
tremendously. Here we are discussing the impact of 4c’s components in assessing its prices:
Carat Value:
Naturally, populace would instantly grasp the association between size and the price of
diamond, knowing the fact that "the bigger - the better". In realism, the correlation is much
more fragile than that. It is not just the weight itself that plays a vital role in influencing its
costing, but instead the more key factor of whether the mass is a "full carat unit", that
means a numerically round figure. It is not hard to understand that prices radically soar for
diamonds which have a full carat weight in opposition to ones with less than a cart weight.
The Colour:
The second factor which assists in evaluating a diamonds cost is its colour. Putting aside
fancy coloured stones that are evidently much more costly, the elegant white diamonds are
graded as per their yellowish pigment display. The stones are appropriately graded on a
chart ranging from "D" to "Z", and consequently subdivided into 6 diverse scale groups. For
instance, the colour "D" is also known as "colourless" and is the most preferred colour
compared to the other end of the chart the colour "Z" refers to the bright yellow scale
cluster that is extremely inferior in terms of colour. Hence, there is a sharp distinction of
price between diamond stones of various colours, particularly between those that also is the
property of a different scale subgroup on the whole.
The Clarity:
The third "C" which controls the way a diamond stone priced is the clarity of the diamond.
The clarity level calculates the extent of its natural defects, or referred to as blemishes or
inclusions. Jewellers make use of the clarity chart which consists of five diverse scale
categories (from "Imperfect" to "Flawless") in order to find out the clarity of a stone. The
superior the clarity grade of stone the higher the cost will be.
The Cut:
The fourth factor which influences a diamonds worth is its cut. It is the most intentionally
neglected characteristic of a diamond by a dealer when she or he attempts to rate the
stone. Meaning, the dealer will often deflect the attention missing from the stone's
inappropriate proportions and highlight that it is merely a "bargain", instead of explaining
why. The fact of the matter is that a cut as well as the diamonds proportions plays a
significant role in assessing its overall look and also the price. Generally, perfect cuts are
considered much more vibrant than non perfect cuts.
We can’t deny the fact that each diamond is unique on its own and so is its costing. Even
quality stones that have the similar exact carat size could be categorised into a range of
various prices, as per the grading of the stone overall, as discussed earlier. Each one of the
mentioned 4C's address the quality and pricing in diverse ways, however the key is to
recognise the inter-dependency of the 4Cs. Now, you are much more familiar with the
various characteristics of a diamond taken into consideration when assessing the overall
beauty of a stone and hence determine the best diamond price Melbourne!