Experts who watch trends in human activities say that everything is busier during the holidays. Sales are up, people
travel more, restaurants are always full, business is brisker than usual, and even hospitals have more patients during
the holidays. Right along with all these happenings, people watchers and statisticians have noticed that more
engagement rings are sold during these merry weeks; this means more couples get engaged during the Christmas
season than at any other time of the year. It seems that for people who are in love marry me and merry me can easily
become synonymous during this happy time.
There just seems to be something about winter and the whole joyful atmosphere of Christmas that makes people want
to look forward to spending their lives together. An extensive survey has shown that the number of weddings peaks
during the summer months, but it is during winter that the greatest number of proposals is made.

Therefore, if you have been thinking that this Christmas season is the perfect time to ask the woman of your dreams to be
your wife, you will be glad to know that you are in good company. Here are some of the unforgettable ways hopeful lovers
have asked their loved ones the big question. You will see how they have made the most of the ambiance and the happy
environment Christmas provides.
Make Full Use of that Christmas Tree
The Christmas tree is standard décor during the season, and you can take full advantage of its presence to add a little
drama to your proposal. Here are some of the ways you can pop that life-changing question.
- You can hang your engagement ring ostentatiously in its box like an ornament, but do it before all the other
decorations come in. Ask her what that lone ornament is so she will look at it.
- You can spell out the phrase “Will you marry me” by hanging the letters on the garlands around the tree.
- Remove the star or angel at the top of the tree and position your ring in a big, glittery box in its place.
- If you have bought a halo engagement ring, you can look for a little angel and make her wear the ring as a
crown, and then hang the angel in an obvious position in the tree. You might consider clearing an area at eye level
to make sure your ring won’t be overlooked.
- You can also simply tie your ring to an existing ornament and ask her where she got it because you’re thinking of
getting a similar one.
- Ask a baker to create a cake designed like a small Christmas tree decorated with gold and silver wedding rings.
Ask the baker to make your engagement ring the topper of your special Christmas tree.

Ask Santa Claus to Play Cupid
Most people have fond memories of Santa, and you can build on this to create a special setting when you propose.
- Take her to a mall and create a script with the resident Santa. One of the scenarios you can build is you sitting on
his lap and wishing you had a ring to make a proposal with. He grants your wish with a little magic and plucks your
little jewelry box right from your pocket.
- Another scenario could have her sitting with Santa, who would of course give her a very special gift.
- You could also rent a Santa costume and go ho-ho-ho with your bag of presents. Her gift would of course be
contained in the kind of box that is customarily used for engagement rings. As Santa, you can either go down on
bended knee, or ask her to sit on your lap.

Let the Lights Sparkle Brightly
Christmas lights contribute a lot to the festive atmosphere of the season, but they can do more in the case of an earnest
man who really wants to ask his girlfriend to be his wife in a most memorable way.
- You can write your proposal in the Christmas lights around her house. Or, you can take her to a park and ask the
park attendants to light up your lights when you give the signal.
- You can create a special trail in a park and use yards and yards of Christmas lights to lead her to a pedestal with
your ring on it.
- You can trace a gazebo or shed with Christmas lights and begin a treasure hunt from there. The treasure hunt would
consist of a series of stations with hints, and end with your ring ensconced in a nest of lights.

Sweetly Say it with Dessert
If your girlfriend has a sweet tooth, indulge her during this season. There are a thousand and one
interesting ways to use desserts as receptacles for diamond rings. Here are some of those delicious ways.
- Get her a huge box of her favorite candy, and tuck your diamond ring into one of the truffles
or bonbons.
- If she loves chocolate cakes, ask a baker to make her a special one with the words “Will you
marry me?’ written in white chocolate. You might even put your ring in its box right in the middle
of the cake.
- If she thinks cupcakes are a piece of heaven, have one made just for her and stick your ring in it.
- You could give her half a dozen strawberries dipped in her favorite chocolate, and plant your
engagement ring firmly in the middle of the plump beauties.
- If she likes ice cream sundaes so much she will want them even in winter, create a special one
for her – one that has a ring on top instead of a cherry.
- Give her a box of mini-cupcakes that spell out the words “will you marry me?”
- Give her a bouquet made of cookies and allow the goodies to ask her the same question.

Create a Gift Box with Possibilities
Everyone loves to unwrap gift boxes, and you can create boxes that both you and your beloved will
remember for the rest of your days.
- Wrap yourself in an extravagant box, ask someone to make the delivery, and watch her surprise
when she opens the wrapper and finds you with a note saying, “Please marry me.” For a box big
enough to hold you comfortably, try asking stores selling refrigerators if they can space you one.
- This is not a new trick, but it always works. Wrap your gift in a box within several other boxes.
If she has a good sense of humor, each box will make her more excited and possibly give her a
hint about what the final box will contain.
Look for all the Romantic Opportunities
The Yuletide Season is one that is full of romantic possibilities. You can walk her through a rigged bunch
of mistletoe and ask her to look up after your kiss so she can find your ring. You can take her on a ride
to see the lights, and say something tacky like, “Boy, Those lights certainly look like fancy diamond rings.
I wonder if the one I have in my pocket is just as pretty.”
If your mind is made up about proposing, relax and just enjoy the season because it is sure to open
up countless chances for you to express the way you feel. Christmas is a time for joy and love, so go
ahead and get that diamond ring and maybe even that wedding ring ready so you and your loved one
can greet the coming New Year as an engaged couple.